King Longevity (English summarized version of 《長壽王》)

Endless eons ago, there lived a King called Longevity. He had a son, named Price Immortal. King Longevity ruled his country with perfect righteous. During his reign, the people lived happily.

Comparatively, the King of the neighboring country was ferocious and greedy. Everyone was afraid of him. King Greedy was his name. Seeing the prosperity of Kingdom of Longevity, King Greedy decided to conquer it.

Knowing his plot, King Longevity told his ministers, "Let him have the Kingdom, since he wants it so badly. Do not fight, so no one will be injured or killed."

Hence, King Longevity brought Prince Immortal along, and hid deep in the mountains.

King Greedy seized the Kingdom of Longevity, and announced "Whoever find King Longevity shall be rewarded with ten thousand ounce of golds!"

One day, a Brahmin caught the sight of King Longevity. He took him to King Greedy. King Greedy was overjoyed, and rewarded him with ten thousand ounce of golds. King Longevity was tied onto the scaffold, and prepared to be burnt.

Prince Immortal heard about it, and he disguised himself as a woodcutter. Beholding his son in the crowd, King Longevity raised his voice, "My son! Do not take revenge! Do not harm any life. If you do, it would be the greatest impiety! Be compassionate, it's most auspicious!"

Prince Immortal couldn't bear to witness his father's death, so he left. He was extremely upset, he had an urge to take revenge. He went to Kingdom of Greed as a farmer, and served the people. One day, King Greedy bypassed the farm, and asked the steward, "Who is the green finger of the farm?"

The steward brought Prince Immortal to the King. Having many talents, King Greedy was fond of him, and asked, "Do you know martial arts?", as King Longevity was killed, King Greedy was fearful that Prince Immortal might take revenge. Prince Immortal replied, "Yes!" King Greedy was rejoiced, and asked him to be his bodyguard. (The real identity of Price Immortal was undiscovered.)

One day, they went out hunting in the woods, and they lost their way. After three days, hungry and tired, King Greedy passed his sword over to Prince Immortal and fell asleep.

When Prince Immortal was about to slash King Greedy as he raised the sword, he thought of his father's words, "Don't take revenge! Be compassionate, it's most auspicious." So he put away the sword. King Greedy woke up, and said, "I had a nightmare! Prince Immortal is going to kill me!" Prince Immortal comforted, "It's the mountain deities that are frightening you! I am here to protect you!"

King Greedy went back to sleep. Prince Immortal raised the sword again. As he was about to slash the King, he thought of his father's reminder, "Don't take revenge! Be compassionate, it's most auspicious!" So he kept the sword again. King Greedy awoke, and said, "Prince Immortal is going to kill me, again! But he put the sword away, again!" Prince Immortal assured, "No, he won't! I am here to protect you!"

King Greedy fell into slumber again. This was the third time Prince Immortal raised the sword, and when he was about to slash, he thought of his father's word clearly in his mind. He made up his mind, he is not going to kill King Greedy, he no longer wants to take revenge. So he kept the put away the sword.

King Greedy woke up again, and said, "I had a dream again, Prince Immortal raised the sword and was going to kill me, but he decided not to kill me anymore!" Prince Immortal replied, "I am Prince Immortal! I want to obey my father's words -- Don't take revenge! Be compassionate, it's most auspicious! I have to follow his words!" He continued, "I know the way out, I always wanted to take revenge! Now, I shall take you back to palace."

After they returned, King Greedy gathered everyone, and announced, "This is Prince Immortal! He listens to his father's precepts, and decided not to take revenge, decided not to kill me. I shall return Kingdom of Longevity to him!" King Greedy lead his troop back to his own country.


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