The Light for the Chinese
What is your impression on Chinese and Chinese culture?
I attended an International Conference in Singapore during the past two days.
It was my first time feeling so small, and decided to learn to be humble.
People around the world turned up in the conference, namely, China, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, and of course, Singapore. We are all Chinese, that's what we are in common. There are approximately 200 people.
I felt like nobody, but the same time, I felt honored. Why? I was surrounded by the professors, school founders, principals, experienced teachers, doctors, etc... They have high status. Who am I to sit amongst these people? There is no once else like me, a young fledging teacher, who has less than a year's experience. The conference was about promoting Traditional Chinese Culture. These people were sharing their past experience, and their research.
What's your impression on Chinese? I got to interact with some Chinese. Despite their high status, they dressed humbly, and talked humbly, showing their eagerness to learn from the others. They have been working really hard for many years in advocating good values. They are so civilized, unlike those we had seen in the media. They are the hope for their country.
A real Chinese who knows his or her culture well, and put the values into practice would behave virtually and elegantly.

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