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“Why are you a vegetarian?” This is an FAQ I would get whenever someone gets to know me. My answer varies depending on my closeness to a person, and my level of understanding towards the person. But today, I have decided to write down how I turned vegetarian and my heartfelt reasons of why I stay as a vegetarian throughout these years. Before I begin, I would like to clarify I have no intention to judge non vegetarians, because whichever diet you choose to take, it’s your choice, and there is always reasons to support your choice, and I respect your decision. My only concern would be if you consume too much meat, and barely take any fruits or vegetables, I may be worried about your health. Okay, why vegetarian? It’s by choice. “Do you choose to be a vegetarian because of religion?” This would be the second question I get right after the first. My answer is: not exactly. My religion has never forced anyone to be a vegetarian, nor made it mandatory for all the disciples to be a vegetaria...

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