
Showing posts from 2015

Sum up 2015

Cooling off day

The Light for the Chinese

4 Signs to show that I've Finally Let Go

我的二十四歲生日願望 My 24th Birthday Wish (Mandarin Version)

My twenty-fourth birthday wish

Post-LKY mourning period

我對建國總理李光耀的追悼文(完整中文版)My Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew(Complete Mandarin Version)

My Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (Complete version in English)

Remebering Mr Lee Kuan Yew - Article 01

Don't Fall into Another Extreme while Promoting Gender Equality

Behind the Smile

A Sunday Break with Entrepreneur

When You are a Fledgling at Work

Spring's on it's way!

Goodbye, Ever After

On my way to let go! :)

Lessons Learned as a Trainee Teacher - Never Neglect Any Child Even Though The Child Makes You Relieved

Life as a Trainee Teacher - The sweet little boy who always melts my heart.

Life as a Trainee Teacher - Introduction